Radical Rigs: Flynn's Mitsubishi Delica Space Gear and Raaw Jibb
Posted by 1UP USA on Jan 3rd 2025

Flynn’s bike is functional, utilitarian, and uncommon — much like the 1997 Mitsubishi Delica that sometimes carries it around.
The Raaw Jibb, like the Delica, is understated and very different from the rest of the rides around the Pacific Northwest. It’s clear it gets used. The cranks are finished in a silver only achievable through innumerable pedal strokes. We’ll call them passively polished and there is beauty through usage — to steal a Grant Peterson-coined term. We’d argue his Delica is the same beast: 4x4 capability in a package that initially appears too tarmac and tame.

Named by contracting delivery and car, the Delica has been in production since 1968 and could be configured as a pickup truck, cargo van, or passenger van. Flynn’s is a 1997 Delica L400, commonly called the Delica Space Gear. Space for your gear; we see no problem with the name. The trim package features accessories suited to a dirt- and snow-focused lifestyle for “Outdoor Players.”
Flynn has made multiple trips up and down the West Coast, and it’s proven a reliable source of memories. Remarkably, it hasn’t broken down and has a road presence that is uncommon. His bike isn’t too different.

We are excited to announce a new series on The Radavist, written and photographed by Paul Kalifatidi, introducing you to the people, vehicles, and bikes that make our industry “rad.”
In this first installment of Radical Rigs, Paul introduces you to Flynn, a trailbuilder in Washington state, his Delica, and his equally singular Raaw Jibb.
Stay tuned for more Radical Rigs coming soon!
Carry your custom built Raaw Jibb, downhill shredder, or heavy e-bike safely on the new Super Duty Bike Rack.